Part 114: S Conversation
Heya, Cherche.
Oh, hello, Vaike. Are you here to see Minerva again?
Nope. I'm here to see you. Actually, uh... I've kinda been usin' Minerva as an excuse for a while now. I just like bein' around ya, ya know? You're smart, and funny, and... I dunno. I like it.
So you made friends with Minerva in order to get closer to me?
I wasn't tryin' to deceive ya or nothin'! I just couldn't think of a better plan.
How delightful!
Look, I... I kinda got ya somethin'. Ordered it special and everythin'. It's a ring. See, I was hopin' ya might... I dunno. Marry me?
Why, that's very sweet, Vaike. But what about Minerva?
Oh, she'd be part of the family, too!
Are you sure you want the responsibility? Feed costs alone are a tremendous burden. You can't just let her fly around and pick up random animals off the hillsides.
Oh, that ain't good. I've been lettin' her roast wild boars and stuff. But, uh, sure! If you want it, I'll buy her the finest wyvern chow around!
Oh, and we'll need a house that has room for all three of us.
Gods' beards! That's a huge house! I supoose I'll have to build it... But, uh, can it maybe wait until after the war?
That should be fine. Oh, wait! Another thing...
Monkey meat, there's MORE?! Listen, I don't mind-
Hee hee hee! I'm only joking, Vaike. ...About everything. As long as you promise to be kind to Minerva, that's all either of us needs.
Well, that's a relief! I thought you were gonna make a pauper out of the Vaike!
So will ya marry me, then?
How could I possibly turn you down? Of course I will!
Aw, ya just made me the happiest man in the realm! I can't wait to see Chrom's face when I tell him I'VE got the prettiest girl!
Oh, Vaike. Minerva will be so pleased that you said that about her!
I wasn't talkn' about the wyvern...